Friday, August 28, 2009

quick update

Sorry I have been so behind on posting lately, been busy I guess. We are all good, the girls are getting ready for school to start and so am I...they are getting to each other!! Jackson is growing like a weed and getting into everything, he is a joy though...he definately keeps us on our toes! Danny is getting all geared up for hunting season which is just around the corner.

I have been wanting to post something about me, but haven't gotten to it, I entered a little boy in the community into a radio contest to win a new bike and he won!!! I am very excited to give him his new bike, he is a little hispanic boy that has become our buddy at work, he comes in and pays the bill for his parents who don't speak much english, and is always running around doing the errands for them, he gets called into the office at school to translate for the office staff if someone calls in speaking Spanish, he is just a neat little boy. About 2 months ago he had his bike stolen from in front of the Library, right next to the Police Station, we in the office were talking about how we could get him a new bike, I heard the Bike's for kids on the radio and decided to enter him, well he won and I get to be the one to give him his new bike, I will post a picture when I have one!
Here he is getting his gift certificate, he got $120 to Toysrus to pick out the bike himself, he promised that he would bring the bike in to show me once he picked it out, will post that then!
He also got a new helmet and a lock, and $75.00 gift certificate to Eastlake Grill in Seattle!!! FUN FUN FUN!-Do something nice for someone, it is more rewarding than doing it for yourself!


Unknown said...

How special! It really is wonderful to do something for someone else just because. Can't wait to see first day of school pictures. Lots of love! Katie, Axel and Saga

fasterthanyou said...

That is so wonderful. Good job M..